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Is catid required in a Non-SEF Url?
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TOPIC: Is catid required in a Non-SEF Url?

Is catid required in a Non-SEF Url? 14 years, 9 months ago #11715


Just wondering if the catid is required when managing URL's.

For example is:

The same as:

I am about to change the categorisation of a bunch of articles, and I would like to know if I have to update the URL's or if they will still work fine without the catid.


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Re:Is catid required in a Non-SEF Url? 14 years, 9 months ago #11722

  • jaku
well, the URL self without catid will work. But the JoomSEF works in a way, that it compares the non-SEF link coming from Joomla with URL it has stored in DB.

From Joomla, ususally the URL comes WITH the catid variable. So if you would delete it in URL Manager in JoomSEF, then the records would not be matched and it would probably not work in a way you would like it.
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