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I think I found a bug in JoomSEF
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TOPIC: I think I found a bug in JoomSEF

I think I found a bug in JoomSEF 14 years, 1 month ago #19656

I think I found a bug. Under managed extensions click content and set these settings just for a test if you want to try it.

Show cat - no
show section - no
title URL part - alias
cat URL part - use global config
section url part - use global config
add layout - only when different
default layout – default

This should show remove all your categories and sections in the urls.
Your urls should go from:
but it goes to this: (if it’s a blog layout)

If you go back up to those settings and set- add layout - only when different > to never. It still shows blog on the end of the urls. And if you set the default layout option to blog(thinking it would force a blog layout) it changes all the blog layouts on the site to list layouts. I have worked on this for a week and have had no success.

Here’s is my original thread about it:

I thought it was something I was doing. But something is not right here. Can someone test this for me.

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Re: I think I found a bug in JoomSEF 14 years, 1 month ago #19757

  • jaku
if you do not want to have /blog at blog layout, you should set that blog is a default layoout. (the setting can be left to "only when different").

Of course, after the change, you have to update the URLs (or purge) and clean the cache.
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Re: I think I found a bug in JoomSEF 14 years, 1 month ago #19779

i have tried all of that. but i cant get it to take off the blog at the end of the url. well i can but it makes every blog layout become a list layout. even when i do what you suggest to do. everytime i make a change trying to fix it, i purge and update all the urls then clean cache in joomsef and joomla as well. and it makes no difference.
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