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I have paid version but link to Artio still there!
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: I have paid version but link to Artio still there!

I have paid version but link to Artio still there! 15 years ago #10755

I am probably being thick, but I have the paid version, and have added the download link into the component but I still have links to Artio on my site. What have I done wrong please?
Learning is just a trick, I just can't quite get there.... Yet!
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Re:I have paid version but link to Artio still there! 15 years ago #10762

  • jaku
You need to go to upgrade page now and click "Migrate free version to paid"
More info and options at:
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Re:I have paid version but link to Artio still there! 15 years ago #10765

Perfect thank you. I knew I was being stupid!
Learning is just a trick, I just can't quite get there.... Yet!
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