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Finding all "id's" - catid, id, itemid
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TOPIC: Finding all "id's" - catid, id, itemid

Finding all "id's" - catid, id, itemid 13 years, 11 months ago #21231

Paid Order ID = 12962
Joomla = 1.5.20
ArtioSEF = 3.8.1

I have searched here on the forums and Google, but, can't seem to find the answer. And I bet it's an easy one at that, as I knew how to do this previously, but, haven't used the ArtioSEF in several months.

When I go to add a New URL, specifically the -> Old Non-SEF Url
There are 3 id numbers I need to enter in:
* catid
* id
* Itemid
Here is an example of an article I had previously and successfully entered:

Question - I know how to determine 2 out of the 3 "id's" and need help with the other:
* catid = Content -> Category Manager -> ID
* Itemid = Content -> Article Manager -> ID
* id = ???

* I have been entering the same number as the Itemid, but, it's only displaying a partial page. And I believe it's because I am not entering the correct "id" number.

Where do I find this "id"?

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Re: Finding all "id's" - catid, id, itemid 13 years, 11 months ago #21300

I think I figured out what I was missing. Here's the summary:
* catid = Content -> Category Manager -> ID
* id = Content -> Article Manager -> ID
* Itemid = Menu -> Menu ItemID

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Re: Finding all "id's" - catid, id, itemid 13 years, 11 months ago #21313

  • jaku

if view is "article", then the id is the article ID.
Content - Article Manager -> ID

while ItemId is the menu item ID
Menu Manager -> Item ID; of the item that was active on the article display or before it (list of articles).
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