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Fatal and 404 Errors and when ARTIO switched on
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TOPIC: Fatal and 404 Errors and when ARTIO switched on

Fatal and 404 Errors and when ARTIO switched on 15 years, 11 months ago #6345

Order Information
Order Number: 00003912
Order Status: Confirmed

Running Joomla 1.5.9
PHP 5.2.6
MySQL - 5.0.45

Core SEF works great - but when ARTIO is enabled all links are broken.
internal aricle links return as 404
I've uninstalled and reinstalled to the latest version 3.2.10

Fatal error: Call to a member function merge() on a non-object in on line 0

This error occurs when I enable ATRIO SEF

I noticed something. If I take the last bit off of the URL the page loads.

For example... I link to which is where I'm directed after I link for a menu. - I take off the last "/resousecategory" the page loads

So this looks like a redirection error


Thanks in advance for any advice.
Last Edit: 15 years, 11 months ago by Tidehawk. Reason: Updated information
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Re:Fatal and 404 Errors and when ARTIO switched on 15 years, 11 months ago #6367

  • jaku

well, this might be problem in how com_resource creates its SEF URLs by default. (is this Joomla Resource component?)
Do you have the special plugin for it?
If not, then you may need to get the extra plugin or set SEO for this component to nochache or skip.
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Re:Fatal and 404 Errors and when ARTIO switched on 15 years, 11 months ago #6373

jan wrote:
(is this Joomla Resource component?)
Do you have the special plugin for it?
If not, then you may need to get the extra plugin or set SEO for this component to nochache or skip.

Thanks for your input.
The fatal error is coming from the resource component, for which I have purchaded and installed a special plugin for. The fatal error I believe is a symtom of a larger problem as all the sites links turn 404 when ARTIO is switched on.

Seeing how core SEF is working fine this seem to me like this is not an issue with rewriting URLs or my .thaccess file.

I've just uninstalled ARTIO and reinstalled the latest version. I've also tried clearing all custom and created URLs both in ARTIO and by clearing the jos_redirection table.

I don't know what else to do... sigh

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Re:Fatal and 404 Errors and when ARTIO switched on 15 years, 11 months ago #6386

  • jaku

I would like to help you further, but there is not much more I could tell you based on the input I have.

What I find strange is that the error as you published above is found at line 0. That is quite odd.
Seems the wrong file is the display template for the component. Haven't you done any changes there?

Most likely, the error message says, there is a function called on non-existent object - so there may be also problem in data consistency or so.

However, for this kind of error I see no direct relation with JoomSEF.

If you would like this problem solved, we would have to debug it on your server directly. You can buy a paid support time from us that would cover this. My estimation is that investigation and fix of such problem could take our admins about 2-3h.
Last Edit: 15 years, 11 months ago by .
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