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VM Plugin not working (show query errors)
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TOPIC: VM Plugin not working (show query errors)

VM Plugin not working (show query errors) 13 years, 7 months ago #23391

Hi, I'm working on a Joomla site composed by

- Joomla 1.5.10
- VM 1.1.3 stable
- JoomFish 2.0.4
- JoomSEF 3.8.2
- VM JoomSEF plugin 2.0.34
- hwdVideoShare JoomSEF plugin 2.1.2

My customer has just bought both VM JoomSEF plugin and hwdVideoShare JoomSEF plugin yesterday so he ask to me to configure JoomSEF in order to enable SEF on Joomla but when I enable JoomSEF site stop working and show in the head of the page a lot of query errors like:

field 166item_id not found in query SELECT vm_product ...... WHERE ......itemid_166

and url are traducted like but when i click on link browser show me a 404 error and tell "404 error - page,gif/page.html non found".

Help please! :(
Last Edit: 13 years, 7 months ago by skizzoweb. Reason: missing info
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Re: VM Plugin not working (show query errors) 13 years, 6 months ago #23782

  • jaku

VM 1.1.3 is extremely old version so maybe the problem is that its DB structure is a bit different. Anyway field "166item_id" seems like some query parsing error.

Joomla 1.5.10 is also quite outdated, so the problem might be anywhere. I would suggest you to upgrade your Joomla version and possibly also VirtueMart version.
Or try to trace and debug the error.

The 404 may be then the result of those problems.
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