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Virtuemart payment process redirects to home page
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TOPIC: Virtuemart payment process redirects to home page

Re:Virtuemart payment process redirects to home page 14 years, 6 months ago #14516

Thanks for forwarding email. I sent an email to Michal yesterday. But still I didn't get any replay from him. But when I ask him about details to buy the plug-in he replied me quickly. So that is why I bought your plug-in. Is this the way you all are treating your customers? :(
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Re:Virtuemart payment process redirects to home page 14 years, 6 months ago #14522

  • jaku
Dear Shanaka,

first, I am sorry to hear you have problems. However from the communication you had with David, I understand it is some problem in your site, as it does not work even with SEO completelly off, so there is most likely no relation with JoomSEF.

Could you please remind me, where in our past conversation I said, that our plugin can solve an existing error in site? I do not think I would ever say something like that.

You only asked about possibilitites to rewrite URLs - which I tried to answer the best way I could.

Anyway, I think we should be able to help you fix the problem if you want. However, as David mentioned, it would be a paid support service as it is obviously not a bug related to JoomSEF.
Last Edit: 14 years, 6 months ago by .
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Re:Virtuemart payment process redirects to home page 14 years, 6 months ago #14523

> I have developed a web site using
> Joomla 1.5.15 and I have already
> activated the "SEF urls, Apache
> mod_rewrite and Suffix to urls" in
> the global configuration of the
> Joomla installation.
> I installed Virtuemart 1.15 and it
> seems vistuemart use index.php for
> its urls and my web site redirects
> to its home page instead of
> redirects to particular virtuemart
> page when clicking on virtuemart
> links.

> So I need to know whether
> VirtueMart SEO Bundle: JoomSEF 3 +
> VirtueMart Extension has the
> ability to change all the urls in
> virtuemart to SEF urls, including
> urls for product page, product
> description,
> cart,checkout,shipping,billing,payment,order confirmation, multiple checkouts etc.

Here is my 1st question I posted
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