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Virtuemart Extension giving wrong URLs?
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TOPIC: Virtuemart Extension giving wrong URLs?

Virtuemart Extension giving wrong URLs? 15 years, 7 months ago #7641

  • ucs
  • Posts: 3
Hi there,

I recently purchased JoomSEF and the Virtuemart extension and I am extremely pleased with it as it works almost perfectly! However, I am experiencing one problem and I am not sure why it is happening. When the component created all the URLs most of the addresses were as follows:

However, on the odd few products, the URL is:

Normally, this wouldn't bother me too much but it seems to cause problems in generating the flypage for the product as it shows another flypage to the one that I have made for the products.

I would be extremely grateful if you could shed some light on this problem. I thank you for this amazing component.

Paying Customer
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Re:Virtuemart Extension giving wrong URLs? 15 years, 7 months ago #7660

  • jaku

this may be caused by having multiple source URLs pointing to the same product. In this case, you are probably poiniting to the products from homepage, plus from category listing.

However, it seems, the parameters for the link are different.
Try to adjust Itemid manually for the items, where you see /home instead of /shop.
You can also turn "Ignore multiple sources" to NO in configuration, which will make it work fine, but in turn will cause duplicated URLs -- see FAQs and help for details.

So, in my optinion, it would be easiest to update those links manually.
An alternative would be disabling the module on the homepage, wherre products are shown, clear existing VM URLs, then browsing through categories, whichi will make JoomSEF to regenerate the URLs and finally switching the module back ON.
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