i can change the all setting properly as you told but is an error occur when i apply setting
error should be
500 - An error has occurred.
TableExtension::store failed - Unknown column 'title' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `jos_sefexts` SET `id`='3',`title`='',`filters`='+^[a-z._-]*$=page,flypage\r\n+^[0-9]*$=product_id,category_id,manufacturer_id',`params`='productid=0\nusesku=0\nmanufacturer=0\nmanufacturerid=0\ncategories=2\ncategoryid=0\nfileid=0\nnonsefflypage=0\nignorecats=0\nsefcart=0\nproduct_title=0\ncategory_title=0\ntitle_sep=-\nmeta_desc=1\ndesc_len=250\nproduct_desc=2\ncategory_desc=1\nmeta_keys=1\nkeys_minlen=3\nkeys_count=15\nblacklist=a, able, about, above, abroad, according, accordingly, across, actually, adj, after, afterwards, again, against, ago, ahead, ain\'t, all, allow, allows, almost, alone, along, alongside, already, also, although, always, am, amid, amidst, among, amongst, an, and, another, any, anybody, anyhow, anyone, anything, anyway, anyways, anywhere, apart, appear, appreciate, appropriate, are, aren\'t, around, as, a\'s, aside, ask, asking, associated, at, available, away, awfully, b, back, backward, backwards, be, became, because, become, becomes, becoming, been, before, beforehand, begin, behind, being, believe, below, beside, besides, best, better, between, beyond, both, brief, but, by, c, came, can, cannot, cant, can\'t, caption, cause, causes, certain, certainly, changes, clearly, c\'mon, co, co., com, come, comes, concerning, consequently, consider, considering, contain, containing, contains, corresponding, could, couldn\'t, course, c\'s, currently, d, dare, daren\'t, definitely, described, despite, did, didn\'t, different, directly, do, does, doesn\'t, doing, done, don\'t, down, downwards, during, e, each, edu, eg, eight, eighty, either, else, elsewhere, end, ending, enough, entirely, especially, et, etc, even, ever, evermore, every, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, ex, exactly, example, except, f, fairly, far, farther, few, fewer, fifth, first, five, followed, following, follows, for, forever, former, formerly, forth, forward, found, four, from, further, furthermore, g, get, gets, getting, given, gives, go, goes, going, gone, got, gotten, greetings, h, had, hadn\'t, half, happens, hardly, has, hasn\'t, have, haven\'t, having, he, he\'d, he\'ll, hello, help, , hence, her, here, hereafter, hereby, herein, here\'s, hereupon, hers, herself, he\'s, hi, him, himself, his, hither, hopefully, how, howbeit, however, hundred, i, i\'d, ie, if, ignored, i\'ll, i\'m, immediate, in, inasmuch, inc, inc., indeed, indicate, indicated, indicates, inner, inside, insofar, instead, into, inward, is, isn\'t, it, it\'d, it\'ll, its, it\'s, itself, i\'ve, j, just, k, keep, keeps, kept, know, known, knows, l, last, lately, later, latter, latterly, least, less, lest, let, let\'s, like, liked, likely, likewise, little, look, looking, looks, low, lower, ltd, m, made, mainly, make, makes, many, may, maybe, mayn\'t, me, mean, meantime, meanwhile, merely, might, mightn\'t, mine, minus, miss, more, moreover, most, mostly, mr, mrs, much, must, mustn\'t, my, myself, n, name, namely, nd, near, nearly, necessary, need, needn\'t, needs, neither, never, neverf, neverless, nevertheless, new, next, nine, ninety, no, nobody, non, none, nonetheless, noone, no-one, nor, normally, not, nothing, notwithstanding, novel, now, nowhere, o, obviously, of, off, often, oh, ok, okay, old, on, once, one, ones, one\'s, only, onto, opposite, or, other, others, otherwise, ought, oughtn\'t, our, ours, ourselves, out, outside, over, overall, own, p, particular, particularly, past, per, perhaps, placed, please, plus, possible, presumably, probably, provided, provides, q, que, quite, qv, r, rather, rd, re, really, reasonably, recent, recently, regarding, regardless, regards, relatively, respectively, right, round, s, said, same, saw, say, saying, says, second, secondly, , see, seeing, seem, seemed, seeming, seems, seen, self, selves, sensible, sent, serious, seriously, seven, several, shall, shan\'t, she, she\'d, she\'ll, she\'s, should, shouldn\'t, s
so what i can do?