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Virtuemart customers can't send order
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Support forum for customers who have purchased paid JoomSEF extension. Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: Virtuemart customers can't send order

Virtuemart customers can't send order 15 years ago #10456


I have extension for paid joomsef - virtuemart but it doesn't work.

When I try to send order it can't go further to step 2 in ordering process. It redirects me back to step 1.

Do you have any clue what is wrong with that?

What additional info do you require?
Last Edit: 15 years ago by maastermedia.
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Re:Virtuemart customers can't send order 15 years ago #10458

Ok I figured it out:

So i put:
"Do not SEF URLs matching regular expression"

and checkout urls doesn't get manipulated by joomsef.

But it would be very appreciated if you could resolve theese old issues once already or put virtuemart extension under free licence.

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Re:Virtuemart customers can't send order 15 years ago #10506

  • jaku
it seems to be problem just in minority of VirtueMart installations. We have to check this closer.
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Re:Virtuemart customers can't send order 15 years ago #10507

Maybe it has something to do with user registration also. Our virtuemart settings does not require people to register.
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Re:Virtuemart customers can't send order 15 years ago #10561

  • jaku
new VirtueMart JoomSEF extension - version 2.0.18 is available. It addresses this issue also, please upgrade.
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Re:Virtuemart customers can't send order 15 years ago #10562

Thanks, jan.

That works as it should. Very nice support!
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