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Virtuemart - Checkout Progress Bar - broken links
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TOPIC: Virtuemart - Checkout Progress Bar - broken links

Virtuemart - Checkout Progress Bar - broken links 15 years, 4 months ago #8442


I installed JoomSEF and the Virtuemart Extension.
Most pages work fine, except for:

1. The First Checkout Page is still displayed as:


2. The Links in the Checkout Progress Bar are broken.

The Link to the current checkout step which should just be a # reads like this:

And the link to a previous checkout step (for example the sfirst checkout step), which without SEF was:|%C3%96sterreichische+Post|Inland+bis+2kg|4.00|23&checkout_stage=1

now is:;shipping_rate_id=

The Variables are broken. And when I click on the link I get an error page saying:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: array_diff_key() in /var/www/web58/web/shop/components/com_sef/joomsef.php on line 616

If I set "filter variable values" to "NO", I get all variable values - but even then the link doesn't work.
I tried manually removing all variables in the URL, and then the link works.

So my question ist, why do these variables get attached to the link at all, why is it not just shop/cart/checkout

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Re: Virtuemart - Checkout Progress Bar - broken links 13 years, 7 months ago #23300

Hi I have the same problem, broken checkout bar links

My syte is:

Joomla 1.5.23
Virtuemart 1.1.9
Joomsef 3.8.2

I try to manage the url without (making more tests with manual insert) any good result

Do you found the bug?

Thanks a lot

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