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virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together
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TOPIC: virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together

Re:virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together 14 years, 10 months ago #11718

  • jaku

this might be a reson, although I am not quite sure why it should have so in some cases.
On this site -, we also use "main" language and AFAIK the checkout process works fine.

Anyway, in JoomSEF 3.6.2, there also have been added additional checks the improve behaviour and solves some redirect problems when there is a main language configured. Also, it should now work even when JfRouter is left Active, but still the recommended setting is to turn it inactive.

Sp maybe you could try upgrading to the latest JoomSEF (if you have not done so yet) and report whether you still need to have the main lanaguage set to none or not.
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Re:virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together 14 years, 10 months ago #11720

No, also on your site it switches during the checkout process back to the main language! I tried this by ordering an item using german language. when I check out it switches back to english.


Edit: also not working with 3.6.2 I still need to set main language to none.
Last Edit: 14 years, 10 months ago by patbe60.
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Re:virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together 14 years, 10 months ago #11723

Pat, you are talking about right. My website works fine now.

Very good that the new version doesn't need the "none" setting but I take no chances. And is there a reason to have a default language?
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Re:virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together 14 years, 10 months ago #11724

  • jaku
hmm, guess we will have to test it more on our site.

As regards the reason... the only reason is, that the "default" language does not need to show with the language prefix in the URL. So e.g. now, we have as default language English, which means that the base is and not and also other URLs are without the "en" code (except those we maintain because of compatibility reasons). So e.g. services URL would be and not for english, while for e.g. German it would be (or dienste).
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Re:virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together 14 years, 10 months ago #11725

Yes, I,m talking about The new version 3.6.2 needs still the "none" setting. the reason to use a default language is, that the langugage will not appear in the URL. If e.g. my main language is German and I use this setting, my URL looks like when I switch with Joomfish into english the URL is

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Re:virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together 14 years, 10 months ago #11731

Hmmm. I see! This was not visible in my website because I hadn't purged the urls. Now I have which is not so fine. Can this be solved?
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