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The Wordpress extension causing errors
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TOPIC: The Wordpress extension causing errors

The Wordpress extension causing errors 14 years, 10 months ago #11540

This took me the better part of 8 hours today to track this down, so I am real thrilled to find out it is issue with something I purchased instead of it being user error.

Anyhoo, JoomlaSEF 6.1. I have jReviews and Wordpress components installed. The goal is to make all content appear to be in the root without categories or folders. Pretty standard seo stuff.
Using the Joomla router I am not able to eliminate the "show menu title" via clicking "no". No big deal, I presume this is a upgraded option. I purchase the Wordpress extension from and install it. Bam, the urls look how I want them and all is well in the world. Or is it?

Upon further inspection a variety of urls that used to work fine, are now throwing this error.

Fatal error: Class 'SefExt_com_*Various components here*' not found in /home/MYDIR/public_html/joomla/components/com_sef/joomsef.php on line 273

After screwing around for hours thinking it was me somehow changing a setting wrong, or not purging urls, or not this or not that, I am stumped. I have reinstalled 10 times or so and cannot figure it out.

ONe final time I try and test without this Artio WP extension installed. Everything works. (minus the url structure I want of course) I install the Artio wordpress extension. The error message comes up on various urls again. (after purging)
The error even pops up after I try to "upgrade urls" on the admin backend.

Looks like this wordpress extension you offer is clearly breaking things. Anybody else experience this? advice? Ideas? | Reviewing extensions for Joomla and other CMS's.
Last Edit: 14 years, 10 months ago by columbusgeek.
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