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TOPIC: redirect

redirect 15 years, 6 months ago #7863

I have a few questions regarding redirections

1) How do you reidrect to using ARTIO JoomSEF?
Earlier I use to do this in using .HTacess file.

2) How do I redirect: (without www) to using ARTIO JoomSEF?

3) What is best regarding to SEO: redirect to or vice-verca?

I am very pleased with the JoomSEF product =) and hope that someone can reply to my questions.
Last Edit: 15 years, 6 months ago by kvikki.
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Re:redirect 15 years, 6 months ago #7873

  • jaku

ad 1 + 2) keep using .htaccess (or Apache global configuration) to make those redirection; making these redirections is not goal of JoomSEF, that is rather a basic webserver configuration task

ad 3) the first one (not using index.php) might be slighly better, but in fact, if this has any influence to SEO rating of your site at all, then it is really negligible; the better reason NOT to use version ending with index.php is security - do not unneccessarily give potential attackers information about what technologies you are using; also (my personal option) it looks nices and is better for humans (noone really cares, what is your default index file, except hackers maybe :-D)
Last Edit: 15 years, 6 months ago by .
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