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Not Working Virtuemart extension
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Support forum for customers who have purchased paid JoomSEF extension. Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: Not Working Virtuemart extension

Re:Not Working Virtuemart extension 15 years ago #10712

the different now,is:

- when I click category link,the page show:

try now please...
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Re:Not Working Virtuemart extension 15 years ago #10722

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Re:Not Working Virtuemart extension 15 years ago #10724

  • jaku

it seems there are some conflicts with existing local files, because the link is reffering to "/prodotti.txt/antifurti" - this would seem there may exist a file prodotti.txt or some special rewrite rules.
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Re:Not Working Virtuemart extension 15 years ago #10734

Last Edit: 15 years ago by magicska.
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Re:Not Working Virtuemart extension 15 years ago #10740

  • jaku
I think this does not really have anything to do with JoomSEF configuration.
Based on the "prodotti.txt" I have suspiction there is some conflict with a real files stores in your Joomla folder.
Does such file exist there? (or a Rewrite that could change prodotti to prodotti.txt?)
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