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Jreviews:Section doesn't appear in category titles
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TOPIC: Jreviews:Section doesn't appear in category titles

Jreviews:Section doesn't appear in category titles 14 years, 11 months ago #11444


I have a directory where sections are cities and categories are shop categories.

The problem is that the section name doesn't appear in the title of category pages.

Example if I have: /new-york/computer-shops the title will only be "Computer Shops" instead of "Computer Shops - New York".

That will cause problems since all cities have the same categories and I will have several different pages all named "Computer Shop" without a city identifier.

Any way to solve this?
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Re:Jreviews:Section doesn't appear in category titles 14 years, 10 months ago #11610

  • jaku
the page titles are controlled by the component self. So you should adjust the component template to include the section name in the category title.
JoomSEF does not control how the titles are created by default, it just gives you possibility to manually override the default one.
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