please, write in English in our forums.
There is no tutorial on creating extensions so far, there is only an example extension available. (it is part of the installation packeage)
The best way is to use other extension for inspiration. In principle, there is a method
create where you put all the logics of composing the URL. You can of course create additional helper methods e.g. for selecting data from database.
At the end of the
create method you call JoomSEF code:
$newUri = $uri;
if (count($title) > 0)
$newUri = JoomSEF::_sefGetLocation($uri, $title, @$task, @$limit, @$limitstart, @$lang, $this->nonSefVars);
return $newUri;
uri is the original URL,
title is an array of the URL parts (that will be separated by slash - "/") and the additional (optional) variables
task, limit, limitstart, lang - if defined - will be processed by JoomSEF automatically. The last parameter is list of non-sef variables, that will be ignored when creating SEF URL and wil be always appended as query parameters.
That is it.