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Joomsef and Jomsocial 1.6.285 issues
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TOPIC: Joomsef and Jomsocial 1.6.285 issues

Joomsef and Jomsocial 1.6.285 issues 15 years ago #10206

I am using Artio Joomsef 3.5.4 with Jomsocial SEF extension 2.0.6 and just installed the latest version of Jomsocial 1.6.285. I am having problems with comments and tagging photos. When trying to tag a photo, the pop up windows stays busy and never finishes the task. Also the Comment header is viewable on the photo page, but there is no input box.

The other problems are adding a video and leaving comments on Videos. The comment box is visible, but when you click to leave the comment everything grays out and nothing happens. If I try to add a video when on "My Video" page, the popup window appears, but stays blank. Although I can add videos from the other pages without a problem.

Everything works fine when I disable the Jomsocial SEF extension in Joomsef. Has version 2.0.6 been tested with the new version of Jomsocial.
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Re:Joomsef and Jomsocial 1.6.285 issues 15 years ago #10213

I have contacted the Jomsocial team and they have looked into the issue and they have concluded it is a problem with the Jomsocial SEF extension. Any ideas of an update?
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Re:Joomsef and Jomsocial 1.6.285 issues 15 years ago #10272

Is there anybody from support reading these forum posts?
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Re:Joomsef and Jomsocial 1.6.285 issues 14 years, 12 months ago #10848

  • jaku
yes, we are, we will check this problem now.
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