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How to erase ?text_search=&order=0&expand=0
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TOPIC: How to erase ?text_search=&order=0&expand=0

How to erase ?text_search=&order=0&​expand=0 15 years ago #10318

Dear all,

What must I change in my configuration if I want to make

and delete the bold text to be ?

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Re:How to erase ?text_search=&order=0&​expand=0 15 years ago #10429

  • jaku
Hello Teddy,

well, these are so called "non-SEF" variables.
They are not part of the URL as they would cause creation of too many variants.

In general, this is given
1) by the JoomSEF extension, which defined, what variables will be part of SEO URL and which not
2) by JoomSEF / JoomSEF Extension configuration, where you can define additional SEF variables
3) by Extension configuration, where in some cases you can decide, if you want the specific variable to be SEF or non-SEF

However, in general, I would recommend keeping the variables for ordering, search, layout among non-sef ones.
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