Hello Kevin,
SOBI2 sef_ext.php file is meant only for OpenSEF and it checks whether it is installed. If not, it displays this message.
there are 2 possibilities how to fix this problem:
1. if you have ARTIO's extension for SOBI2, you may just rename the sef_ext.php file to something else, e.g. sef_ext.php.bak (the one stored in /components/com_sobi2/sef_ext.php of your Joomla! dir)
2. install the JoomSEF v.1.4.0-beta2 (or newer) which includes patch for this problem;
1.4.0-beta2 should also work with the original SOBI2's sef_ext file even if you do not have the ARTIO's extension. Just you will not be able to use all the JoomSEF features in such case.
In case you have ARTIO's SOBI2 extension and JoomSEF v.1.4.0-beta2 (or newer) you do not need to rename the file. The preferred ARTIO version will be used then.
Best regards,
Michal<br><br>Post edited by: michal, at: 2007/02/02 23:03