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NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF
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TOPIC: NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF

Re:NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF 18 years, 1 month ago #1289

  • taylorutah
It still doesn't work. It worked on another site for me?

I just install 404 redirect and the RD mambot. And then insert that snipet of code on the 404 page, right?

That's what I've done and nadda!
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Re:NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF 18 years, 1 month ago #1291

  • Dead Moroz
Hi, Taylor!

David Thomas wrote:

1) In Admin > Site Mambots : Is the Add PHP mambot enabled / published?

On my site - this was the problem. Maybe you should double-check this.<br><br>Post edited by: Dead Moroz, at: 2007/01/13 20:53
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Re:NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF 18 years, 1 month ago #1292

  • Dead Moroz
David Thomas wrote:

Regarding your question,

If the first processing steps do not redirect to the correct URL, or the correct URL cannot be found then 404 redirect performs a search.

Yes, sure I understand this :) Most problems are solved by the first steps, actually, but still search step is often helpful.

At the moment, the search uses the longest part of the URL after the domain name as the searchterm. Usually, the longest part of the URL is the page title but I realise it's not always the case.

I see.

So, in the next version I'll include a check to test if the searchterm is in the list of joomla categories and sections and if so, search on the next part of the URL (if it exists)

e.g: =&gt;

'mycategory' is longest (10 characters) but because it's a category, I'll make it search on the next part of the URL ( page ).

Hmm, this seems as to fix it.

Look for an update version next week,

have a good weekend :-)

David T.

P.S Nice site!

Thanks! :)
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Re:NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF 18 years, 1 month ago #1293

  • davidwhthomas
Hi Taylor,

1) Did you publish the RD Add PHP mambot?
2) Did you double check the mambot tag is correct in the 404 page?

{rdaddphp file=administrator/components/com_404_redirect/404_redirect.php}


Vladimir Vezhnevets wrote:
Hi, Taylor!

David Thomas wrote:

1) In Admin &gt; Site Mambots : Is the Add PHP mambot enabled / published?

On my site - this was the problem. Maybe you should double-check this.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Post edited by: Dead Moroz, at: 2007/01/13 20:53
<br><br>Post edited by: davidwhthomas, at: 2007/01/13 22:56
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Re:NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF 18 years, 1 month ago #1294

  • taylorutah
I feel like an idiot. I just needed to publish it! Sorry, thx for all the help!!
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Re:NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF 18 years, 1 month ago #1315

  • davidwhthomas
Just an update notice.

I've just released an update to 404 Redirect.,c...k_id,1519/Itemid,35/

The new version has improved title extraction from the URL.

In the first pass, it will exclude categories and sections in the URL and from the search.

In the second pass, if a title is not found (e.g title is same as category name) then sections and categories are included.

To upgrade, just overwrite your existing files in administrator/components/com_404_redirect

Even just the 404_redirect.php file should do it.

If anyone has any feedback, suggestions etc.. let me know, thanks.


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