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Manual Install of JoomSEF
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TOPIC: Manual Install of JoomSEF

Manual Install of JoomSEF 15 years, 4 months ago #8395


I had to reinstall JoomSEF on a Joomla 1.0 site. I tried installing version 2.3.2, but I kept getting the message that installation of the component had failed. I eventually ended up copying the files accross using FTP from a site backup which I keep. The component seems to be working, but JoomSEF does not appear in the list of components. to get to the control panel, I have to go to /administrator/index2.php?option=com_sef

Is there a way to get JoomSEF to appear in the list of components when I am in my administrator back end?

Re:Manual Install of JoomSEF 15 years, 4 months ago #8530

  • jaku
because you did not perfom a standard install, the record in #_components table will be missing. That on is needed for JoomSEF to show up in the list of components.

However, I would rather found out why the install has failed? Were all permisisions set correctly?
Btw. I guess the latest version is 2.3.4, not 2.3.2?

Re:Manual Install of JoomSEF 15 years, 4 months ago #8544

I managed to reinstall the component by extracting the zip file and placing it in administrator/components/com_install/components. It seems to be working now.

The reason why I had to do a manual install is because when I tried to install using the component zip file, I got an error saying that the zip file was in a bad format. An it is 2.3.2 - the latest version downloadable from your website -
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