i had the same problem first it works and because of some reasons the default 404 wasn't accessible anymore...don't know why.
the fact: this default 404 page is called by \" /components/com_sef/joomsef.php\"
and there the programmes stripted out the \"Itemid\" from the calling REQUEST_URI
i don't know why it works before...but know we need the Itemid also so i change a few lines in:
it has to be like this:
after this line: if ($sefConfig->page404 == '0')
$Itemid = $id; /planlos: WRONG, so i enabled it again..../*null; /*Beat: was wrong: =$id : the $Itemid represents the menuId, and $id the contentId ! */
$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = \"option=com_content&task=view&id=$id&Itemid=$id&mosmsg=$mosmsg\";
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $GLOBALS['mosConfig_live_site'].\"/index.php?\".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$_GET['option'] = $_REQUEST['option'] = $option;
$_GET['task'] = $_REQUEST['task'] = $task;
/* $_GET['Itemid'] = $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $Itemid;*/ /*Planlos: das war doch richtig/*Beat: was wrong: */
$_GET['Itemid'] = $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $Itemid;
/*Planlos: wegdamit sonst kann joomla die 404 nicht öffnen:
/* unset($_GET['Itemid']); */
/* unset($_REQUEST['Itemid']); */
Now it works ...for me....
greatings Planlos
www.wakein.de<br><br>Post geändert von: planlos, am: 19/06/2007 23:58