No, your case isn't related to this issue.
I tell that if we use JRoute::_(''index.php?Itemid=45'') the router.php isn't called, menu item alias (->path) is only used.
I have menu item to my component index view, alias is 'test'
Joomla shows this menu link like /test.html
Artio shows it like /test.html?view=index
Artio calls the router.php file of my extension on this JRoute call, while Joomla not.
or i.e. I have <url> section paramter in the XML file of layout for this view, so the real link is
Joomla shows this menu item as /test.html
Artio shows it like /test/3.html?view=index - it calls my router, it adds 'id' to segments and skips 'view'