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Joomla different frontpage menu id with JoomSef
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TOPIC: Joomla different frontpage menu id with JoomSef

Joomla different frontpage menu id with JoomSef 15 years, 9 months ago #6408


I have problem with different frontpage menu id with Artio JoomSef , looks like JoomSef recognise only one frontpage menu item, so if i make 2 frontpage menu item it will only use 1 or same frontpage url!.

is there any solution for this?,
or is it possible to exclude menu id for not genarating sef url ?

i hope Artio admin or anyone in this forum will find the solution or explanation!.

Thank's in advance!.


silly me, found the solution.. i have to disable "Ignore multiple sources" in the Artio JoomSef configuration!
Last Edit: 15 years, 9 months ago by adinx.
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