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Joomla 1.5 Native SEF links compatibility
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TOPIC: Joomla 1.5 Native SEF links compatibility

Joomla 1.5 Native SEF links compatibility 15 years, 8 months ago #7050

Hello Artio,
I am very sorry if you have already answered this question before. I've looked over half threads and didn't find any answer, although similar question exists more than once.

So please answer, since this is a blocking issue right now for paid JoomSEF deployment
Joomla 1.5.10
JoomFish 2.0.2
JoomSEF 3.3.0

After enabling JoomSEF (including changing routing component from JFrouter to JoomSEF), new URLs are quite accessible. However, native urls (especially important for those based on menu structure) are not more accessible and render 404 error.

I've tried to enable system-backlinks plugin, as well as played around the settings of "Parse Joomla SEF URLs", nothing helped. The old URLs which are already included in google and printed advertising material are not accessible.

Could you please help with making native 1.5 SEF URLs accessible or at least 301 redirected to new scheme?
Thank you!

Re:Joomla 1.5 Native SEF links compatibility 15 years, 8 months ago #7059

  • jaku

I do not see why it should not work. except some small configuration issue.
Could you maybe post here what links do not work?
Also, please, post what is the RewriteBase in your .htaccess and what is your base href setting in JoomSEF Metabot.
Check what is the JoomSEF Metabot order. (I assume JfRouter is completely disabled as you write)

Re:Joomla 1.5 Native SEF links compatibility 15 years, 8 months ago #7061

Hello again,
thank You for a prompt response.

1. Currently I disabled the component, so you should not be able to play with the site.
2. The links which do not work are all menu-based links at first:
for example, which is perfectly working without sef component enabled, becomes 404 and is replaced with

Regarding your quesction, RewriteBase points at /
and the Base Href setting is set to "Yes - Always use only Base URL"

Thank you again

Re:Joomla 1.5 Native SEF links compatibility 15 years, 8 months ago #7091

  • jaku
I think I undestand now.

Well if I am not wrong, the first link you have posted is not Joomla core SEF link, but JfRouter link.
I am afraid JoomSEF does not understand those and that is the reason for 404. JoomSEF can only parse )and redirect to new, SEF URLs) the Joomla core SEF and non-SEF URLs.
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