I want to use Joomsef to controll the domain extension. We have
How do I configure joomsef to get this to work right? Ive changed quite a lot of settings, can't get it to work...
$alwaysUseLang = \"0\";
$enabled = \"1\";
$replacement = \"-\";
$pagerep = \"-\";
$stripthese = \",|~|!|@|%|^|*|(|)|+|<|>|:|;|{|}|[|]|---|--|..\";
$suffix = \".html\";
$addFile = \"index.php\";
$friendlytrim = \"-|.\";
$pagetext = \"%s\";
$langPlacement = \"3\";
$lowerCase = \"1\";
$showSection = \"0\";
$showCat = \"1\";
$useAlias = \"0\";
$excludeSource = \"1\";
$reappendSource = \"0\";
$ignoreSource = \"1\";
$appendNonSef = \"1\";
$transitSlash = \"1\";
$useCache = \"1\";
$cacheSize = \"1000\";
$cacheMinHits = \"10\";
$translateNames = \"1\";
$page404 = \"0\";
$record404 = \"0\";
$nonSefRedirect = \"1\";
$useMoved = \"1\";
$useMovedAsk = \"0\";
$replacements = \"�?|A, Â|A, Ă|A, Ä|A, Ć|C, Ç|C, Č|C, Ď|D, �?|D, É|E, �?|E, Ë|E, Ě|E, Í|I, Î|I, Ĺ|L, �?|N, Ň|N, Ó|O, Ô|O, �?|O, Ö|O, Ŕ|R, �?|R, Š|S, Ś|O, Ť|T, Ů|U, Ú|U, Ű|U, Ü|U, Ý|Y, Ž|Z, Ź|Z, á|a, â|a, �?|a, ä|a, ć|c, ç|c, č|c, ď|d, đ|d, é|e, ę|e, ë|e, ě|e, í|i, î|i, ĺ|l, ń|n, �?|n, ó|o, ô|o, ő|o, ö|o, š|s, ś|s, ř|r, ŕ|r, ť|t, ů|u, ú|u, ű|u, ü|u, ý|y, ž|z, ź|z, ˙|-, ß|ss, Ą|A, µ|u\";
$predefined = array('0' => \"com_frontpage\",'1' => \"com_login\",'2' => \"com_newsfeeds\",'3' => \"com_sef\",'4' => \"com_weblinks\",'5' => \"com_joomfish\"«»);
$skip = array('0' => \"com_poll\"«»);
$nocache = array();
$serverUpgradeURL = \"http://www.artio.cz/updates/joomsef/upgrade.zip\";
$serverNewVersionURL = \"http://www.artio.cz/updates/joomsef/version\";
$langDomain = array('3' => \"http://www.MYDOMAIN.nl\",'2' => \"http://www.MYDOMAIN.com\"«»);
$altDomain = null;