Hi JiÅ™Ã,
Thanks for the quick response and analysis of the issue. I took a look at the mod_show_submenu.php file to see if I could attempt this quick fix. Unfortunately, I could not find where the <a> tag is generated. (Hint: I'm not very good at code :( )
I'm posting what is shown in the PHP file:
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
$menuid = $params->get( 'menuid', 0 );
$content = "";
$sql = "SELECT m.* FROM #__menu AS m"
. "\nWHERE published=1 AND parent=$menuid"
. "\nORDER BY ordering";
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$rows = $database->loadObjectList( 'id' );
$content = '<ul id="'. $menuclass .'">';
$menuclass = "sublevel";
foreach ($rows as $v ) {
if ($v->type != 'url') {
$v->link .= "&Itemid=$v->id";
$theLink = str_replace('&', '##########', $v->link);
$theLink = str_replace('&', '&', $theLink);
$theLink = str_replace('##########', '&', $theLink);
$content = $content . "<li><a href=\"$theLink\" class=\"$menuclass\">$v->name</a></li>\n";
$content = $content . "</ul>\n";
I know that you're probably up to your neck in work so when you get a chance to take a closer look at this, it would be greatly appreciated.
I know for a fact that this is probably one of the better modules out there that allows for submenus when the template does not allow for it. It's simple and straightforward.
Again, thanks for the quick response and I look forward to your response.