I am using some code which generates a product data feed.
At present I can get the standard joomla and SEF URL's as the links to products on the site from the feed.
I would like to know how I can replace these URL's with the Artio FURL's.
Some guidance would be apprecaited.
This code generates the URL for the product
$ffe_product_id = $db->f("product_id");
$dbc = new ps_DB;
$dbc2 = new ps_DB;
$flypage = $ps_product->get_flypage($ffe_product_id);
$q = "SELECT category_id FROM #__{vm}_product_category_xref WHERE product_id = '".$ffe_product_id."' LIMIT 0,1";
$dbc->query( $q );
if( !$dbc->f("category_id") ) {
// The product has no category entry and must be a Child Product
// So let's get the Parent Product category id
$q = "SELECT category_id FROM #__{vm}_product_category_xref WHERE product_id = '".$ffe_product_parent_id."' LIMIT 0,1";
$dbc->query( $q );
$ffe_category_id = $dbc->f("category_id");
elseif ($dbc->f("category_id")) {
$ffe_category_id = $dbc->f("category_id");
else {
$ffe_category_id = "0";
//if SEF is turned on!
if ($d['sef_link'] == "Y"){
$product_url = URL . "component/option,com_virtuemart/page,shop.product_details/flypage,". $flypage . "/product_id," . $ffe_product_id . "/category_id," . $ffe_category_id;
//if SEF is turned off!
else {
$product_url = URL . "index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.product_details&flypage=$flypage&product_id=$ffe_product_id&category_id=$ffe_category_id";
}<br><br>Post edited by: NiSiWi, at: 2007/01/25 17:57