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TOPIC: Cyrllic issue

Cyrllic issue 17 years, 11 months ago #1600

I use ARTIO JoomSEF v1.3.3 and Joomla 1.0.12
I want my urls to contain cyrillic letters. But here are my problems:
I remove % from Strip characters
and I add this in "Non-ascii char replacements ":
В|%D0%92, р|%D1%80, ъ|%D1%8A, з|%D0%B7, к|%D0%BA, и|%D0%B8

I want to generate something like this:Връзки/

The first problem is that - still replacing %
That's why I put in "Replacement character" % instead of -

The second problem is that when I succeeded to generate
it opens successfully also asВръзки/

But the link from the menu is
I want to beВръзки/

Is it possible to resolve my problems ?
Regards!<br><br>Post edited by: quadro, at: 2007/03/11 14:29

Re:Cyrllic issue 17 years, 11 months ago #1614

  • cyberjeanus

are you sure that artio support non ascii char urls? Pls tell me why...I'm interested in that..

Does your provider supports non ascii char urls?

And last but not least, does your browser support non ascii char urls?

Thanks for further info!

Re:Cyrllic issue 17 years, 11 months ago #1619

I'm not quite sure that artio fully support non ascii char urls. But I read somewhere that it's better choice for Joomfish and Cyrillic letters.
I think that my provider supports non ascii char urls. Because I can openВръзки/
Yes, my browsers successfully open non ascii char urls.

(My first post was written in cyrrilic, now I edited in UTF-8 so it displays correct.)

Re:Cyrllic issue 17 years, 11 months ago #1649

  • cyberjeanus
I think only the admins can answer our questions...they will do!

The url you've posted, is n o t to open with my laptop...I'll get a 404.
Of course, I haven't installed cyrillic...but be shure, 95% of all users haven't, too.
So, does it make sense....? Really sense?<br><br>Post ge&auml;ndert von: cyberjeanus, am: 15/03/2007 18:03

Re:Cyrllic issue 17 years, 11 months ago #1650

You get 404 because I use instead of my real domain.
It's just an example. Try open this:Връзки/
This url is also not mine, but I think everybody can open it.

Re:Cyrllic issue 17 years, 11 months ago #1652

  • cyberjeanus
That's really cool. So if I understand it right, the wordpress site isn't yours and for sure it's on a differrent server than your Joomla installation. Is it right? Please confirm that.

If so, the first thing is to make sure, that your provider is able to manage non char-url's. That's one feature, which isn't for sure standard! Please reply!
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