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Artio JoomSEF problem in my local WAMP
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TOPIC: Artio JoomSEF problem in my local WAMP

Artio JoomSEF problem in my local WAMP 17 years, 7 months ago #2218


Artio JoomSEF works great in my online J site, but when I transfer everything to my local WAMP, all the links were messed up. May I know how to fix this in order to make my site work with or w/o Artio JoomSEF on my local WAMP?

Thanks. Hope to get a reply soon.

Re:Artio JoomSEF problem in my local WAMP 17 years, 7 months ago #2241

Anybody here? I have turned on the mod_rewrite in my local wamp but all the links takes me back to localhost/ for some reason.

I would appreciate if anyone in here could help.

Re:Artio JoomSEF problem in my local WAMP 17 years, 3 months ago #3124

im having the same problem.. any clues on how to fix this??

my online version is fine, but when transferring the database back to the dev. server, the majority of my links are broken..

i'm pretty sure is b/c the dev version is in a subdirectory and any SEO links that were creating on the pro server does not contain any subdirectories for the root folder..

any suggestions on how to configure my .htaccess file on our dev server would be appreciated.
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