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JoomSEF and Joomla 4
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 4 (Joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5+ compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

Please note that due to our capacity limitations, we do not monitor these forums regularly.

TOPIC: JoomSEF and Joomla 4

Re: JoomSEF and Joomla 4 2 years, 9 months ago #82753

still no JoomSEF for Joomla 4.

How can I uninstall JoomSEF 4 on Joomla 3.9.xx without having menues and links broken?

Re: JoomSEF and Joomla 4 2 years, 8 months ago #82844

We are also waiting for a JoomSEF update for Joomla 4 compatibility!
Spring 2022 is almost over in about 9 days!

Re: JoomSEF and Joomla 4 2 years, 8 months ago #82846

anybody here who can help getting my website to work again?

Artio JoomSEF killed my Joomla website

Re: JoomSEF and Joomla 4 2 years, 8 months ago #82852

It seems like non of the old SEF extensions are working anymore on Joomla 4.

Been waiting for ages for a J4 portation of JoomSEF, no news so far.
I did consider switching to SEF404SH, which will have a J4 ready extension renamed to 4SEF, here's what they published last year:

When will 4SEF be ready for real use?
We plan on releasing 4SEF during the last quarter of 2021.

Now, we're approaching the third quarter of 2022, and nothing from them so far.

Dear Artio - it would be immensely helpful to have a reliable time schedule for JoomSEF. I've got one site locally, already updated to J4, but waiting for confirmation of a possible release date so I can either go ahead and remove the old SEF structure and reroute the pages, or wait until it's released.

Re: JoomSEF and Joomla 4 2 years, 4 months ago #83396

Good. Looks like ARTIO is dead. Or they have completely different interests than Joomla.

That's why I ask the discussants... does anyone know of an alternative? I have experience with sh404sef but this component is very simple and I need something more sophisticated. Something like JoomSEF but from another manufacturer.


Re: JoomSEF and Joomla 4 2 years, 4 months ago #83397

I asked the developer a few days ago if there will be an JoomSEF for Joomla 4 - but still no answer.

Two month ago the developer wrote me if I would like to uninstall the component an want to keep my joomla site working I have to move the sef urls from the data table to the joomla internal redirection table.
Mmh, I unterstand why - but I don't understand how to move several thousands urls.

Maybe someone has an idea how to do this by script or mysql command or so?
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