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Cannot add new menu into my webiste
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TOPIC: Cannot add new menu into my webiste

Cannot add new menu into my webiste 10 years, 6 months ago #45497

I am facing this problem. I need to add an extra menu in my website and to be exact a submenu to an existing item and all the dropdown menu items I add are linking to a specific category instead of the one I have mentioned into the parameters .

I use k2 for categories and articles and the menu item I add is a Show Items from a category or user

Can you please help? I suppose that the id is the same as the category's shown but I don't know how to fix this.
Can you please advise?

Re: Cannot add new menu into my webiste 10 years, 6 months ago #45500

I found the problem . In order to make this component work I had to remove it, create my new menu and then re-install it. It is such a stupid way to work I cannot believe it. I am not confident using your component as I don't know what the problems will be every time I need to add something into my site.
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