It seems there is a problem in Joomsef VM plugin in "Accept only filtered variables". (Manage extensions > Virtuemart > Variables filtering)
If I set :
Accept only filtered variables = yes
URLs that fail the variable filter test = Don't SEF variable
I get only non-sef url for virtuemart on frontend.
I need to not SEF all the variables not in "Don't SEF variable" because since I'm using Cherry picker CF, I can't know the list of variables it will use for filtering. (because the variables names are created from products customs fields which can change often)
Examples :
If no SEF, filtering URL should like this :
If SEF, it should like this : (but it don't)
If Accept only filtered variables = no I get :
(variable "nombre_de_foyers_cuisiniere" is just ignored)
If Accept only filtered variables = yes I get :
(It give me non SEF url, so I just want nombre_de_foyers_cuisiniere to be non SEF not the whole URL)
If I add "nombre_de_foyers_cuisiniere" to "Custom non-SEF variables" it work as expected. I get :
Unfortunately, I can't use "Custom non-SEF variables" because I'm using lot of customs fields changing often. I prefer just non SEF all unknown variables.
What am I doing wrong ?
Using :
Joomla! 2.5.22
VirtueMart 2.6.6 + Cherry picker
JoomSEF 4.5.2 (paying)
JoomSEF Virtuemart extension 3.0.22
Thank you for any help you can give me.
Best regards,