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Search plugin not displaying text segment of match
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Document management system (DMS) component for Joomla!

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TOPIC: Search plugin not displaying text segment of match

Search plugin not displaying text segment of match 12 years, 7 months ago #31720

Hi there,

We've migrated our website from using PDFindexer on standard files to using JoomDOC.

Whilst there are some great new features, one of the issues that is causing some concerns is the loss of functionality in search.

If we use the Joomla search module to search for a word that exists in both articles and the content of documents the search results display all the article and joomdoc matching articles and document links, however under the article links is a short segment of text with the searched for word highlighted, but there is nothing under the joomdoc document link.

Is it possible for this to be displayed, or if not can we raise an enhancement request as it's a backward step for us and would be a real benefit for anybody else.
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