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Set Permission on JOOMDOC editor button
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TOPIC: Set Permission on JOOMDOC editor button

Set Permission on JOOMDOC editor button 12 years, 3 months ago #34919

I know it may sound like a stupid question but I can't figure out how to set access to this plugin. I would like all registered users to be able to use it but they always get 403 error. Only superadmins are actually able to see the joomdoc popup and attach files to artciles.

Please help,

Thank you,


Re: Set Permission on JOOMDOC editor button 12 years, 3 months ago #34922

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

In administration on Control Panel of JoomDOC is Configuration icon in upper right corner. There you can set all possible settings for all user groups.

Is this helpful for you and allow you to give all rights (all right you want) to all customers?
ARTIO Support Team

Re: Set Permission on JOOMDOC editor button 12 years, 3 months ago #34930

Thanks for the answer maju. I saw that but still it is unclear which one is the permission option for the joomdoc link button.

Re: Set Permission on JOOMDOC editor button 12 years, 3 months ago #34934

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107
Ok, I think, I understand now. You mean that plugin 'Editors-xtd - JoomDOC' is not visible for other user groups like public, authors etc?

They should see that button 'JoomDOC' below editor without any problem. They just need to have rights to edit or create articles via frontend and any account. This settings you can set in Content -> Article Manager -> Options -> Permissions.

Tested on local testing web and it works.

If you disable that plugin, 403 error will disappear?
And what access do you have set in that plugin? Is it public?
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 12 years, 3 months ago by maju.

Re: Set Permission on JOOMDOC editor button 12 years, 3 months ago #34941

Yes sorry I was talking about that plugin. It is visible to all and it is set as public. The user has already rights to edit and add articles from the front-end. He can do any kind of editing, assign to any category. If he clicks the Joomdoc plugin button the page won't show up and give an error. If a super user does the same thing he will get the correct view in the popup.

That is why I thought there were some particular settings to set for the 'Editors-xtd - JoomDOC' button. This is very weird.
If I disable the plugin I won't see the button at all.

Thanks again for your help, I hope you can enlighten me.

Re: Set Permission on JOOMDOC editor button 12 years, 3 months ago #34951

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107
Is that 403 error generated by Joomla or server? If Joomla, it should have red border. Can you add printscreen as attachement here?

And what about your folder administrator - is that protected with any password?
ARTIO Support Team
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