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Update file with same name or empty name = new doc
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Document management system (DMS) component for Joomla!

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TOPIC: Update file with same name or empty name = new doc

Update file with same name or empty name = new doc 13 years, 8 months ago #23056

Hi all,
For first thanks for this nice component !

This is my problem :

When i try to update (from frontend) a file with a new version with a same filename (overwrite is set to 0) or when I forget to choose a file during the step 2 in http method, the system warns me ("A filename is required" or "A different file name is needed") then the update procedure loses the document's name and the category (in the url I cant see the GID).
The document name field presents the name of (new) file instead of the originaly document's name and the category field in unsetted.

So the user creates a new document instead of update the old or, if he stops on step 3 before without clicking on save button, the system stored the new file unlinked to any document ... and when he tries to update again the sistem will stops again for this reason (overwrite is set to 0) producing again the bug in a infinite loop!!

The url before allert eror:

The url after:

losted GID!!!

This is the procedure:

No one file selected or same name file if overwrite is setted to 0

http method

Update a document

choose a file

New document generated instead of the update

This is a very annoying bug !

Is there a solution for that ?

Thanks and sorry for my english

Screenshot refers to docman, but the bug is present in joomdoc too....
Last Edit: 13 years, 8 months ago by 2cagency.
The topic has been locked.
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