I am looking at purchasing either Book It or E-Tickets to set up an event and club ticket system.
Although I have looked at the demo areas can I just check if the following features are available in each system:
- Is it possible to set different child/adult prices and order in multiple quantities?
- Is it possible to set different prices at different times and order in multiple quantities - for example for a customer to be able to book a 9-10am session at one price for 2 people, a 10-4pm session at a different price for 3 people - and then pay all in one booking?
- Is it possible to set an early bird booking discount ie if you book before a certain date the price is x or it is a 10% discount, after this date the price is y?
- Is it possible to offer a multiple booking (volume) discount? eg if they book 5 full days they get a discount of...
- If an event had multiple dates/times am I able to set a different seating capacity limit to these different dates/times? eg a morning time might only have 50 seats compared to an evening performance having 80 seats.
- Is it possible to cap the number of tickets someone can buy?
- Is it possible to set up a registration area that, for some events, is compulsory ahead of completing a booking? Is this information saved to an account area so that it does not need to re-entered for future bookings?
- and as a customer who has booked can I log back in at a later date to see the bookings I have made?
- Are administrators able to easily email all attendees of a certain event on a certain date?
- Are administrators able to export a list of participants of an event in a csv file?
- Are administrators able to edit a booking if required?
- Do you offer a linked seating plan plugin for Book-It - where admin could set up a seating plan and customers pick their seats?
Thank you very much for your help
with kind regards