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Various - HELP !!!
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TOPIC: Various - HELP !!!

Various - HELP !!! 11 years, 3 months ago #41833

Hi there,

I have a couple of things which I need help with as I cant get them to work.

1 - My payment method icons are not showing ( on the backend and frontend ), i get like missing image links and when I try opening the images on another window I get " error 403 forbidden ), I know the payment plugins are not active in my picture but even if they are active I still cant get the icon images being displayed.


2 - How do I make featured bookable items to show on my home page, but just the featured ?

3 - When I use booking search module and select dates which are unavailable all the bookable items show up... whats wrong ?

4 - Is there a way of showing the bookable item list in 2 columns, instead of being displayed in a list ?

5 - Is there a way of Auto resetting the search after it has been used... instead of having the " Global search is active. To disable filter click on reset button. " It's very annoying for costumers to have to reset search and keep on navigating with that warning on top.

I could really use some help fast !!!

Last Edit: 11 years, 3 months ago by phoztek.
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Re: Various - HELP !!! 11 years, 3 months ago #41866

If you cant help your costumers you should not be in business

You say you reply within 2 working days and it's false
I have also sent you an email 1 week ago and no reply

You can't expect people to pay for support when your products don't work properly, that is a fraudulent way of earning money.

I'm sorry if this post is offensive in any way, but these are the facts.

I have so many other questions and I feel it's a complete waste of time posting them wondering if I will ever get help.
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Re: Various - HELP !!! 11 years, 3 months ago #41867

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, first check if you have the latest version. According your image I suppose that you do not.

1. You should publish plugin list of type bookingpayment.
2. You can use module Booking Items with option ordering - featured.
3. There was bug in search module. Do you have the latest version?
4. No, there is no such layout.
5. No, the filter is kept until client resets him. It is better to keep filter when client is browsing in search result.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Various - HELP !!! 11 years, 3 months ago #41868

1 - The plugins are published, at least the ones i want to use, still no icon showing up.

Uploaded with

2 - I have the following version which I think is the latest, Artio Booking 2.2 and Joomla 2.5.16

Uploaded with

3 - Is there a way of changing the slideshow module inside the bookable items and have a different one?
The slideshow is poor and I have other modules for images that I can use.

4 - Regarding the bookable items -> DATE RANGE under - > PRICES.
I want to change it to a periodic season every year without the need to specify the year, the periodic calendar is not very good as it will provide the user too many options.

Uploaded with

Thanks for the help!!! There will be more questions and problems coming soon
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Re: Various - HELP !!! 11 years, 3 months ago #41869

Also to add to the problems i'm finding:

When paying, no matter what method of payment I choose, if I press pay at the end it will allow the booking to go through and displays the following message to the user:

Successfully received deposit
Successfully actived

Bug ?!?
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Re: Various - HELP !!! 11 years, 3 months ago #41875

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432

1. The payment method icon list is in folder plugins. Maybe this folder is unreadable from internet. Try check what is value of src param in <img/> tag.
2. OK, it is current version.
3. What do you mean exactly? Bookable item photo gallery at the frontend item detail page?
4. Options of periodic layout are set-able in Configuration/Period Calendar. There you can disable one.
ARTIO Support Team
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