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Prices in Subjects
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TOPIC: Prices in Subjects

Prices in Subjects 11 years, 2 months ago #42103


I have one problem with booking module:
customer wants not to show deposit with prices on booking site - still on 1.5.9, we already have v 2 but he want's to upgrade later - pls. don't ask me about that ;-)

Rental price / day29,00/100,00 Eur
2 or more days 25,00 Eur
7 or more days 22,00 Eur
13 or more days 20,00 Eur

he dont want's to show 29/100, only 29 EUR

I playd with "default_prices.php"line 60
$title = JText::sprintf('Price info daily full', $rtype->title, $price->formatValue, $price->formatDeposit);
but nothing happened

any idea?
thanks and have a great day
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Re: Prices in Subjects 11 years, 2 months ago #42115

I'm now really pissed off this non-support!
First of all (what eles I could expect) no answer to my question.
migrated from v1 to v2 and what do I see? Discounts are now reversed, not the discounted price shows but only the bucks off!
Also totally confused languagefiles and nobody takes care to help community to translate.
I mentioned momth ago to give the community a summary of changed or added parameters to make it easy to translate.
I also sent complete synchronised german languagefiles but no response.
I think it's very soon time to report this component to joomla-extensions as unusable and unsupported.
You are going to kill your own business.
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Re: Prices in Subjects 11 years, 1 month ago #42360

  • jaku

well, obviously, there has been a vast of changes between v1 and v2, a lot of things have been re-worked.

And as is stated in our conditions, we can only support latest versions that we can test with. We do not have capacity to provide support for old versions - sorry.

I apologize for late reply, we are going to change our way of providing support soon, as our current capacity does not allow us to answer all questions in time as we would like to.
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Re: Prices in Subjects 11 years, 1 month ago #42362

I already updated to v 2, problem still the same. But right now low priority..

There is another issue: even if I configure to show "Book It" button on bottom of calendar ist shows on top (tested on IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

But one thing I can confirm: with Joomla 3 works perfect on mobile devices...

PS: please find a solution for your languagefiles.
have a look at this
will help to have many languages very soon and also get rid of this confused inconsistencies
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Re: Prices in Subjects 11 years, 1 month ago #42430

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432

Button position: item detail setting is in component global configuration, but, it can be customised in menu item configuration, please, check menu items of bookable item detail type.


Language files: we maintain English and Czech only. For other languages we have no capacity. It is question for 3rd authors.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 11 years, 1 month ago by jitr.
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