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Customising Bookit and paypal payment
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TOPIC: Customising Bookit and paypal payment

Customising Bookit and paypal payment 10 years, 8 months ago #44759

Hi there,

I'm installing / configuring Bookit2 on a new J3.3 site and have some questions:

- Is there a menu item available that leads users directly to the Bookit user registration page? Like this is a menu item that leads to the (I've noticed Bookit's registration page is different from Joomla's default)

- Is it possible to switch off auto-refresh to Paypal after clicking 'Save your Reservation'?

- How can users pay for reservations if they don't complete the Paypal process after clicking 'Save your Reservation'?
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Re: Customising Bookit and paypal payment 10 years, 8 months ago #44802

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432

There is no such menu item type but you can create a menu item of type "External URL" and URL index.php?option=com_booking&controller=customer&task=edit enter into the field "Link".

Yes, in the configuration of payment method disable option "Redirect automatically".

If online payment is unsuccessfull then reservation is canceled and customer has to create new one. Most of payment gateways does not allow to pay one order more times.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Customising Bookit and paypal payment 10 years, 8 months ago #44884

Thank you again!
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