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Bookin service for 5 technicians
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TOPIC: Bookin service for 5 technicians

Bookin service for 5 technicians 12 years, 7 months ago #31836

website with Joomla 2.5 - Book it Pro

Please I need help, this is my problem

The shop has 5 technicians who work 8 hours, for a total of 40 hours a day.

There are three types of maintenance services than is possible to booking for each day:

Basic: 1 hour
Pro: 2 hours
Premier: 3 hours

Constraints: each service of 2 hours and 3 hours should be assigned to a single person and can not be divided between the technical

Be possible to create a booking with these characteristics?

Warm regards
Andrea Couvert
Last Edit: 12 years, 7 months ago by andreacouvert.
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Re: Bookin service for 5 technicians 12 years, 7 months ago #31864

Just add one clarification: what we need is to not overbooking the technicians we not need to give to the user a specific time. The people than bring in the bike for maintenance must arrive at 9 am and they collect back at 5 pm.
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