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TOPIC: upgrade

upgrade 10 years, 9 months ago #44540

Hello, I'm currently running: Artio Book-IT Paid Version: 1.5.7 - with Joomla 2.5
We are happy with it,

I'm planing to upgrade our joomla to 3 but I know I need to buy the Book-it Paid new version to run on Joomla 3

My Question is: Is that possible to move all the reservations to the new version "data migration", so no body will lost his booking.

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Re: upgrade 10 years, 9 months ago #44556

  • mitk

upgrade from Book it!1 to Book it!2 is for free, if your product license is still valid.
As regards your question:
The transition from B1 to B2 was smooth in the last time, so I think you couldn´t loose all your settings. However there are still more differences between B1 and B2 so I can´t guarantee you that everything will go well. Of course we recommend to make an backup before the upgrading.
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