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Virtual Reservations and another new features
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TOPIC: Virtual Reservations and another new features

Virtual Reservations and another new features 12 years, 8 months ago #31561

We want to know if it is possible include the following features:

- An option to put "book it" button twice ( also after the calendar)
- An option to force a real "day-only reservation" mode. Withou check in / check out.
- An option that book automatically the rest of "rooms, trips, or any reservable thing" for a given day. Exemple:

Me, as a customer can choose three kind of tourist trips (sea,mountain,city). If I book the mountain trip, automatically the another two trips (sea and city) will appear as "reserved" , because the company only has a car to offer the service.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Virtual Reservations and another new features 12 years, 8 months ago #31598

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432

Our component doesn't support your order. We can do it only as paid customisation. If you are interested we could do for your offer according more detail description.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Virtual Reservations and another new features 12 years, 8 months ago #31605

Could you give me a quote and for this customization? How much time do you need to do this?

If you need more information for the customizations needed, please ask to me what do you need from us.

Thank in advance.
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