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Translation with FaLang block the details
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Translation with FaLang block the details

Translation with FaLang block the details 11 years, 9 months ago #39472

I'm using Joomla 2.5.11 italian with Booking 2.0.4 (eur 49) and FaLang 1.2.0 free.
My multilanguage site (IT UK DE FR) is: (now "FaLang Language Switcher" is disabled)
My structure is:
Menu: Avvia la ricerca
Lago di Como Case (root)
Case vacanza ("category")
Appartamento 1 (object)
Case residenziali ("category")
Appartamento 3 (object)

If I disable FaLang when I navigate in front-end to booking an object, I can choose "Lago di Como Case", "Case vacanza" and then the list show me "Appartamento 1" and I can enter in the detail and see photo, description, the google map... all ok (but the name is only in italian also if I choose the UK DE FR flag of standard Joomla "Language switcher" and I know that this is right) and the breadcrumbs show me the perfect structure: "Avvia la ricerca - Lago di Como Case - Case vacanza - Appartamento 1".

The problem is when I enable FaLang: when I navigate in front-end to booking an object, I can choose "Lago di Como Case", "Case vacanza" and then the list show me "Appartamento 1" but if I enter in the detail I do not see photo, description, the google map... nothing! I can see only the word "Properties"!
Perhaps the problem is in the breadcrumbs: I see only: "Avvia la ricerca" and not the second part: "Lago di Como Case - Case vacanza - Appartamento 1". The translation with Falang work right: "Lago di Como Case, Case vacanza and Appartamento1" are correctly translated.

Where I can done a mistake? Or is a problem of Falang...? If you want I can write in PM username and password to enter in administration..

Thanks for any help.
Sandro Panzeri from Italy
Last Edit: 11 years, 9 months ago by sandro.panzeri. Reason: Attachments
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