I come to you because I have a problem with a SQL Database transfer.
I put the Joomla (containing Booking) on OVH server and I wanted to transfer it to a server in NUXIT.
Upon transfer of a SQL database to another, I have this message :
Requête SQL:
CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER = `yaquademsite`@`%` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `faz_booking_template_value_view` AS SELECT `value`.`id` AS `id` , `translation`.`language_id` AS `language` , `translation`.`value` AS `value`
`faz_booking_template_value` `value`
LEFT JOIN `faz_falang_content` `translation` ON ( (
`translation`.`reference_id` = `value`.`id`
) )
`translation`.`reference_table` = 'booking_template_value'
`translation`.`reference_field` = 'value'
MySQL a répondu:
#1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation
What does it do? I contacted the host who told me he had to adapt the script for it to pass, that they could do nothing.
Thank you for your help.