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Only paypal method is showed
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Only paypal method is showed

Only paypal method is showed 12 years ago #36553

I've activate Paypal, bank transfer and Credit card in payment methods, but only the first one is showed to be able to choose for the customer.
How I can solved it?


Thanks in advance
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Re: Only paypal method is showed 12 years ago #36570

Any idea?
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Re: Only paypal method is showed 12 years ago #36576

I have the same problem.
I want a new method payment, but it isn't showed.
Have you any idea, it's very important!!! Thank you.

Kind Regards
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Re: Only paypal method is showed 12 years ago #36589

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, set up reservation expire.

ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Only paypal method is showed 12 years ago #36640


Now it works, but could you explain me which differences between "Reservation Expiration" modes?
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Re: Only paypal method is showed 12 years ago #36732

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

Some our customers had problem with functionality of our component. Main problem was that if anybody book some period, that time period is blocked for other users. But user who blocked that time doesn't have to pay for it. So there is reservation in the system which will be never active and nobody else can reserve that time.

Reservation Expirations should solve this problem. You can set "online payments only" and it means that new reservations are not paid and not active (still available for other users). First user what will pay will reserve that time.

After reservation and Before Booking... There you can set time until when customer have to pay for it.

Disabled should be original mode (how it works before). But there is probably bug, because it hides some payment methods too.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 12 years ago by maju.
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