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mootools Problem with IE8
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: mootools Problem with IE8

mootools Problem with IE8 13 years ago #26455

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I bought artio bookit a few weeks ago and now I'm encountering a serious problem with booking on IE8:

I can't select days in calender and the debugging-report from IE8 is as follows

"Meldung: Das Objekt unterstützt diese Eigenschaft oder Methode nicht.
Zeile: 23
Zeichen: 10
Code: 0


"Meldung: Das Objekt unterstützt diese Eigenschaft oder Methode nicht.
Zeile: 59
Zeichen: 102
Code: 0

My Joomla Version is 1.5, my mootools version is mootools upgrade with version 1.12 enabled for site and admin.

Any ideas what might going wrong?
here is my mootools file

Attachment mootools.js not found

Regards Bernhard
Last Edit: 13 years ago by bernhard1701. Reason: added fiel as zip
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Re: mootools Problem with IE8 13 years ago #26464

I now investigated and found, that there might be an incompatibility between some java tools
One more information: I'm using an artisteer-template (created w. artisteer 3.1) and if I disable all the modules (incl. menue) there is no problem.

enclosed my php file that makes problems

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