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Global settings don't appear in Frontend
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Global settings don't appear in Frontend

Global settings don't appear in Frontend 11 years, 2 months ago #41936

I have set up how much the user have to fill in when they make a reservation. E.g. I'm not interested in their titel or middle name etc. I have set up this in the global settings but it still come up when they make a reservation?

I have more problems, e.g. I thought you should be able to log in from the booking page but it doesn't work, that's also a global setting which doesn't work. I asked you, before I purchased the component, if I had to create a form in which the user does the log in, your answer was NO.

I also had problem to display the week. The boxes for hours are bigger than the reservation boxes which creates problem at the end of the day, my last hour doesn't have any reservation field at the same level. But when I increased the pixels from 23 to 26 for the box height in the general.css it solved my problem.

I'm using Joomla 3.2.0 and Book it! 2, the latest version.

I think you should create a little bit better documentation with examples. This component are for sure very good and have many set up possibilities but when you don't have a good documentation the component is not very user friendly.
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Re: Global settings don't appear in Frontend 11 years, 2 months ago #41960

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432

Control if user you are logged in is not global manager. Global manager see always all fields.

User login has more configuration options:

In the permissions - rule Make reservation should not be allowed for public group but fo registered group.

See option Customer has to Login or Register Before Reserving. If yes client is prompted to login or register on item detail page before select check in and check out. If no the client is prompted to login or register before checkout.

Design issue is question of customise CSS.



ARTIO Support Team
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