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Credit Card
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Credit Card

Re: Credit Card 12 years, 11 months ago #29064

Hi! Please some post some guide for implement credit card payment.

I'm looking at the code and it seems that components/com_booking/views/payment/creditcard/button.php and controller.php have the key but.
Normally the bank gives you a php file witch is called sending to it the card data to confirm the payment and then it return true or false to the form to confirm or deny the book process.
Thats the theory.

Programming is not so easy, but not so difficult, only some guide/advance needed.

Please someone give us some light in this issue because we are many that want to implement credit cards in our booking modules.
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Re: Credit Card 12 years, 11 months ago #29126

  • jaku
basically Booking supports payment modules similarly to e.g. VirtueMart.
So you can add additional payment gateways as needed.

The current credit card method that is included only supports payments - that is that the operator has credit card terminal where he can charge the CCs based on the received CC number and security code (CVV).

Basically you just need to add the payment gateway file in the appropriate directory, that will handle the communication with the bank of your choose and set the status of order in booking.
The easiest way is to check e.g. how the PayPal method that is included with the standard installation package is working. Most others are similar.

We also offer on-request development of the additional payment methods. So if you send us the documentation for the the bank / payment institution API, we can send you a quote for the development.
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Re: Credit Card 12 years, 11 months ago #29144

Thanks Jaku, i finally implement my bank gateway succesfully with your advices.
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Re: Credit Card 12 years, 10 months ago #29612

Hey Jaku,

I might be interested in having this developed for my website. Could you send me a quote?

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Re: Credit Card 12 years, 10 months ago #29622

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, we need detail description to give you offer.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Credit Card 12 years, 10 months ago #29628

Sure, what info do you exactly need? Could you PM me about this?
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